Module module provide easy access to our dataset.

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""" ```` module provide easy access to our dataset.

from .dataloader import (

__all__ = [

Sub-modules provide utility function to load files saved in OpenPack dataset format.


def load_and_resample_annotation(path: pathlib.Path, unixtimes_ms: numpy.ndarray, classes: ActSet, label_col: str = 'id') ‑> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Load annotation data and resample them according to unixtime sequence T. If there are no annotation records for the given timestamp, that records is treated as NULL class.


path : Path
path to annotation CSV file.
unixitmes : np.ndarray
unixtime seqeuence (milli-scond precision).


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def load_and_resample_annotation(
    path: Path,
    unixtimes_ms: np.ndarray,
    classes: ActSet,
    label_col: str = "id",
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Load annotation data and resample them according to unixtime sequence ``T``.
    If there are no annotation records for the given timestamp, that records is treated
    as NULL class.

        path (Path): path to annotation CSV file.
        unixitmes (np.ndarray): unixtime seqeuence (milli-scond precision).
        pd.DataFrame: -
    null_class_id = classes.get_ignore_class_id()
    if isinstance(null_class_id, tuple):
        null_class_id = null_class_id[-1]

    df = pd.read_csv(path)
    logger.debug(f"load annotation data from {path} -> df={df.shape}")
    ut_min, ut_max = df["unixtime"].min(), df["unixtime"].max()

    null_record = df.head(1).copy()
    null_record["unixtime"] = 0
    null_record["box"] = 0
    null_record[label_col] = null_class_id
    df = pd.concat([df, null_record], axis=0, ignore_index=True)

    # unixtime with second precision.
    unixtimes_sec = unixtimes_ms - (unixtimes_ms % 1000)
    # Assing 0 to non-annotated sequence.
    unixtimes_sec[unixtimes_sec < ut_min] = 0
    unixtimes_sec[unixtimes_sec > ut_max] = 0

    df = df.rename(columns={"unixtime": "annot_time"}).set_index("annot_time")
    df = df.loc[unixtimes_sec, :].reset_index(drop=False)
    df["unixtime"] = unixtimes_ms

    df["act_id"] = df[label_col]
    df["act_idx"] = classes.convert_id_to_index(df["act_id"].values)

    cols = ["unixtime", "annot_time", "user", "session", "box", "act_id", "act_idx"]
    return df[cols]
def load_and_resample_operation_labels(path: pathlib.Path, unixtimes_ms: numpy.ndarray, classes: ActSet) ‑> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
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def load_and_resample_operation_labels(
    path: Path,
    unixtimes_ms: np.ndarray,
    classes: ActSet,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    return load_and_resample_annotation(path, unixtimes_ms, classes, label_col="id")
def load_and_resample_scan_log(path: pathlib.Path, unixtimes_ms: numpy.ndarray) ‑> numpy.ndarray

Load scan log data such as HT, and make binary vector for given timestamps. Elements that have the same timestamp in second precision are marked as 1. Other values are set to 0.


path : Path
path to a scan log CSV file.
unixtimes_ms : np.ndarray
unixtime seqeuence (milli-scond precision). shape=(T,).


binary 1d vector.
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def load_and_resample_scan_log(
    path: Path,
    unixtimes_ms: np.ndarray,
) -> np.ndarray:
    """Load scan log data such as HT, and make binary vector for given timestamps.
    Elements that have the same timestamp in second precision are marked as 1.
    Other values are set to 0.

        path (Path): path to a scan log CSV file.
        unixtimes_ms (np.ndarray):  unixtime seqeuence (milli-scond precision).

        np.ndarray: binary 1d vector.
    assert unixtimes_ms.ndim == 1
    df = pd.read_csv(path)"load scan log from {path} -> df={df.shape}")

    unixtimes_sec = unixtimes_ms // 1000

    X_log = np.zeros(len(unixtimes_ms)).astype(np.int32)
    for utime_ms in df["unixtime"].values:
        utime_sec = utime_ms // 1000
        ind = np.where(unixtimes_sec == utime_sec)[0]
        X_log[ind] = 1

    return X_log
def load_imu(paths: Union[Tuple[pathlib.Path, ...], List[pathlib.Path]], use_acc: bool = True, use_gyro: bool = False, use_quat: bool = False, th: int = 30) ‑> Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]

Load IMU data from CSVs.


paths : Union[Tuple[Path, …], List[Path]]
list of paths to target CSV. (e.g., [**/atr01/S0100.csv])
use_acc : bool, optional
include acceleration signal (e.g., acc_x, acc_y, acc_z). Defaults to True.
use_gyro : bool, optional
include gyro scope signal (e.g., gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z). Defaults to False.
use_quat : bool, optional
include quaternion data(e.g., quat_w, quat_x, quat_y, quat_z). Defaults to False.
th : int, optional
threshold of timestamp difference [ms]. Default. 30 [ms] (<= 1 sample)


Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]
unixtime and loaded sensor data.
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def load_imu(
    paths: Union[Tuple[Path, ...], List[Path]],
    use_acc: bool = True,
    use_gyro: bool = False,
    use_quat: bool = False,
    th: int = 30,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    """Load IMU data from CSVs.

        paths (Union[Tuple[Path, ...], List[Path]]): list of paths to target CSV.
            (e.g., [**/atr01/S0100.csv])
        use_acc (bool, optional): include acceleration signal (e.g., ``acc_x, acc_y, acc_z``).
            Defaults to True.
        use_gyro (bool, optional): include gyro scope signal (e.g., ``gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z``).
            Defaults to False.
        use_quat (bool, optional): include quaternion data(e.g.,
            ``quat_w, quat_x, quat_y, quat_z``). Defaults to False.
        th (int, optional): threshold of timestamp difference [ms].
            Default. 30 [ms] (<= 1 sample)
        Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: unixtime and loaded sensor data.
    assert isinstance(
        paths, (tuple, list)
    ), f"the first argument `paths` expects tuple of Path, not {type(paths)}."

    channels = []
    if use_acc:
        channels += ["acc_x", "acc_y", "acc_z"]
    if use_gyro:
        channels += ["gyro_x", "gyro_y", "gyro_z"]
    if use_quat:
        channels += ["quat_w", "quat_x", "quat_y", "quat_z"]

    ts_ret, x_ret, ts_list = None, [], []
    for path in paths:
        df = pd.read_csv(path)
        logger.debug(f"load IMU data from {path} -> df={df.shape}")
        assert set(channels) < set(df.columns)

        # NOTE: Error handling : ATR01 in U0101-S0500 has timestamp error.
        #       See an issue #87.
        if str(path).endswith("/U0101/atr/atr01/S0500.csv"):
            df = df.drop(0, axis=0)
            df = df.reset_index(drop=True)

        ts = df["unixtime"].values
        x = df[channels].values.T


    min_len = min([len(ts) for ts in ts_list])
    ts_ret = None
    for i in range(len(paths)):
        x_ret[i] = x_ret[i][:, :min_len]
        ts_list[i] = ts_list[i][:min_len]

        if ts_ret is None:
            ts_ret = ts_list[i]
            # Check whether the timestamps are equal or not.
            delta = np.abs(ts_list[i] - ts_ret)
            assert delta.max() < th, (
                f"max difference is {delta.max()} [ms], "
                f"but difference smaller than th={th} is allowed."

    x_ret = np.concatenate(x_ret, axis=0)
    return ts_ret, x_ret
def load_keypoints(path: pathlib.Path) ‑> Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]

Load keypoints from JSON.


path : Path
path to a target JSON file.


Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: * T (np.ndarray): unixtime for each frame. * X (np.ndarray): xy-cordinates of keypoints. and the score of corresponding prediction. shape=(3, FRAMES, NODE). The first dim is corresponding to [x-cordinate, y-cordinate, score].


  • Handle the JSON file that contains keypoints from multiple people.
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def load_keypoints(path: Path) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    """Load keypoints from JSON.

        path (Path): path to a target JSON file.
        Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
            * T (np.ndarray): unixtime for each frame.
            * X (np.ndarray): xy-cordinates of keypoints. and the score of corresponding
                prediction. shape=(3, FRAMES, NODE). The first dim is corresponding to
                [x-cordinate, y-cordinate, score].
        * Handle the JSON file that contains keypoints from multiple people.
    with open(path, "r") as f:
        data = json.load(f)
    logger.debug(f"load keypoints from {path}")

    T, X = [], []
    for i, d in enumerate(data["annotations"][:]):
        ut = d.get("image_id", -1)
        kp = np.array(d.get("keypoints", []))


    T = np.array(T)
    X = np.stack(X, axis=1)

    return T, X